How would a teacher use OpenOChem Tools?

Most Learning Management Systems (LMS) support the IMS Learning Tools Interoperability® (LTI) specification. To integrate a tool, you need to apply for a key and secret in the App Store. When you receive your key and secret, you can visit the app store and get the launch URL to plug the tool into your LMS.

If you use Google Classroom, go into the App Store and connect your Classrooms to this store. At that point, you can immediately install Apps into Google Classroom. Google Classroom will be able to launch the apps and the apps will be able to send grades to Google Classroom for your students.

I am a campus IT staff member, can we use OpenOChem Tools?

Yes, most LMS's like Sakai, Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, or Brightspace allow an administrator to install an LTI tool for all users. If your LMS supports IMS Content Item (a.k.a. IMS Deep Linking) it is possible to install the app store into your LMS once and users can convienently select items from this store and install them using the system-wide key and secret. Look for the "System-wide URLs" in the App Store or in the "Using Your Key" area under Settings.